Absolutely amazing in so many ways. Powerful scenes AND huge expanses of emptiness, both equally incredible. Weather? Oh yes. Even in the "shoulder season" rain, wind, and cold. But also dramatic skies and light.
Iceland 2023
A two week excursion to Iceland has just wrapped up and I’m beginning to edit through the images. It looks very promising and I’ll be adding images to the portfolio here in the coming days.
Magical Holidays
Additional images added to the Limited Engagement Portfolios / Disney page.
Halloween and Christmas at Disneyland and DCA - 2018
Halloween and Christmas at Disneyland and DCA - 2018
Disneyland At Night
Additional images added to the Limited Engagement Portfolios / Disney page.
Disney's Submarine Lagoon
Additional images added to Portfolios / Eclectic.
Engine 664 - Travel Town Railroad Museum
Updates - Spring 2017
Additional images added to the Limited Engagement Portfolios / Disney page, as well as the Nature Portfolio.
Flo's Cafe - Disney’s California Adventure
Website Updates - January 2016
Its 2016 and some minor changes and updates have been made to the site. The "Limited Engagement Portfolios" have been moved out from under the Portfolios section and now have their own menu drop-down. You'll see this at the top of the site in the menu.
I've been contacted by several people that follow me on social media (Facebook and Instagram) about some of my "Disney" images. Up until now this category of images have not appeared here on ToddYoungPhotography.com. The Disneyland gallery, under Limited Engagement Portfolios, is being populated with several of the most popular images. I'm working with a POD (Print On Demand) printer and will have this functional, with a link directly to the printer from within the portfolio. Right now (Jan 6th) some test prints have been ordered. Once everything his be dialed in, I'll be adding more images.
I've also added a Nature portfolio. I've gotten a very good response to some of my avian images, mostly hummingbirds. This portfolio will continue to grow as more images are processed.
Gear wise I continue to shoot primarily with a Canon 5D MkIII body and Canon optics. Recently I've been pleased to work with a Nikon D750, Nikkor 200 - 500mm f/ 5.6 and a Nikkor 85mm f/1.4 lens. Preliminary test shots with both lenses are very VERY promising.
Eastern Sierra Fall Colors
Quick trip up Highway 395 into the Eastern Sierra for fall colors yielded several exciting images.
Private Showing May 24, 2014
A very successful showing May 24, 2014 at the home of a close friend in Los Angeles.
Click HERE to view the show images and details.
Owens Valley
The last weekend in January 2014 was spent exploring the eastern Sierra. The eastern face got some of its first snow of the season as I rolled into Lone Pine, CA.
Southern Utah & Northern Arizona
Late November trip into Southern Utah and Northern Arizona has produced some very exciting images. I'll be posting more images soon.
More Dolls
Out on location shooting with Scott Mathews - Scott Mathews Photography - he is working on a collection of doll images. Shooting in an abandoned area of Culver City, I grabbed an image using his props.
Out on location shooting with Scott Mathews - Scott Mathews Photography - he is working on a collection of doll images. We hiked a few "subjects" down into a canyon to find this abandoned structure. I was privileged to grab a few images using his props.
Image Selected for Exhibit
My image "Lucky No.7" has been selected for exhibit in The Legacy Project Workshop Exhibition entitled A Different Point of View. The exhibit will be on display from Saturday, June 15 through Sunday, September 1, 2013.
The exhibit space is located at the Orange County Great Park. The Great Park is situated in the geographic center of Orange County within the city limits of Irvine—approximately halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego, about 15 minutes away from John Wayne Airport (SNA) and accessible via the Interstate 5 and 405 freeways, and the 133 and 241 toll roads.
Automobiles - Portfolio containing thirty-six images made during a visit to northern California. isit the portfolio HERE.
Private Showing June 23, 2012
A very successful showing June 23, 2012 at the home of a close friend in Los Angeles.
Click HERE to view the show images and details.
Death Valley
February 1, 2013 a multi day expedition to Death Valley, Ca to commence.
Launch of Website
Launching ToddYoungPhotography.com, I'm moving my fine art, landscape, and eclectic work to its own site. YoungStudios.net will concentrate on my comerical work, allowing me to to better serve my clients in need of professional photographic services. ToddYoungPhotography.com will highlight portfolios of my fine art, landscape, and eclectic images, many of which are available for purchase as limited edition matted prints and or giclee prints.
Changes to both websites will be occurring to bring both sites up to date with their new status.